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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Amber Rose Says Kanye West Was A Serial Cheater

Yes!!! Amber Rose is still talking about Kanye West. Wiz Khalifa must be one secure dude, cause Amber Rose is always talking about her ex man. But hey, I am still listening:
I never had before Chanel ", whispered her about the dress she had bought for the occasion." I had never had anyone go out and buy a very expensive suit. When I told him I was a [exotic] dancer, he was like, 'I do not care if you're a crack addict. I do not care if you're a prostitute. I just wanna be with you. "That's what made ​​me love." {} Over NY Post

 kanye west amber rose dining nyc1 Amber Rose Says Kanye West Was A Serial Cheater

He is the typical rapper in the industry, "said Amber's message during dinner in The Lion, a celebrity hot spot in the West Village." He can not be faithful, and not just with one person. Only unfaithful to a lot of different women. I got to the point where I thought, my heart can not take it anymore. I do not deserve this. I do not care when people say I owe my life because I'm famous now. I do not owe anything. "

There has to be another way to sell this album other than giving Kanye West interviews. I heard her new single Loaded is actually kind of good. BTW, Wiz Khalifa is still the love of Amber’s life, and he is very secure in loving her:

I was afraid, because he is four years younger than me, and he is in the same industry that Kanye and I was so above all that, "said Amber." All the odds were against him, but I could not fight feeling. Wiz is the best man.

The two travel a lot, so when we see each other, we lie in bed, get sticky with each other, and watch movies, "said Amber." If Wiz felt insecure about me dating Kanye, I would not be with him today . Everyone is someone's sloppy seconds, unless you're a virgin. {Amber Rose Kanye Speaks Cheating Habits} 

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